Celebrity Events

Celebrity Events

Legacy devotes their time to hosting, co-hosting and/or participating in approximately 50 celebrity events every year. This provides an excellent source of exposure by procuring celebrity images with product brands.The images of A-list celebrities with your products at Legacy’s various celebrity events have incalculable value and your company will own these images forever.How these images can be utilized, without any further permission needed, is as follows:
The verbiage attached to these images must read as follows:
“As seen with”
“As seen in”
“Look who’s drinking (eating, wearing, etc.)”
YOU ARE SIMPLY STATING A FACT. We would need to secure further written permission to be able to utilize verbiage such as:
“The official product of”
“Endorsed by,” etc.There are a number of various ways these images can be utilized without any further permission.
With the proper verbiage you can place these images:
– On your website
– On social media
– At conventions
– At trade shows
– While meeting with distributers and wholesalers.
– Frame the images and put them up
– In your corporate office
– In company newsletters
– In trade journals Legacy would need to secure further permission before these images could be placed on the actual product, at point of purchase, or in ads directed to consumers such as print ads, radio, or television commercials.The images that we provide to you will be yours forever. If you sell your company someday, it will help to greatly increase the value. It is a great way to secure channels of distribution as distributors know that the general public follows what Hollywood does.This type of advertisement is called an implied endorsement and we feel that it is more powerful than a paid endorsement. When viewers see their favorite actors with products in movies and television, their unconscious perception is that their favorite actors like or prefer to use that particular product. When a viewer sees an actor with a product in a television commercial, the general consensus is that they are using or endorsing this product because they were paid a large sum of money to do so. If a company were to cut one thirty second national television ad, they could afford to pay for Legacy’s services for well over an entire year!